Ever thought of coming to Australia on a self-financing holiday? Just another name for a Working Holiday. Visas are available to people between the ages of 18 and 30 from a variety of countries – the visa conditions vary slightly, but you can work for at least one year.
Australia has reciprocal agreements with: the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Canada allowing you to gain a second year visa. If you are from USA, Chile, Argentina, Thailand, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Papua New Guinea you can also obtain a 12 month visa.
The Working Holiday Visa allows you to work for up to 12 months with any one employer. Paid jobs are available in the cities in IT, hospitality, financial services, nursing and telemarketing. Jobs are also available on the coast with fruit picking and hospitality and if you go further inland you can work on a cattle or sheep station.
Helpful Tip – the more outback you go the more money you will save. With all food and accommodation provided with farm work and no shops to spend your cash in the dollars quickly add up! The longer you work the more you can save and then you can afford to take an unforgettable holiday around Queensland. After all that hard work and with all the incredible tours and fantastic hostels Queensland has to offer you’ll want to be able to afford to travel around the state for at least 6 weeks 🙂
If you have a Working Holiday Visa, are still under 31 (under 25 if you are from Ireland, Canada or Frand) and completed 3 calendar months of rural work you can apply for a second visa. Training is available for farm work as well as traffic guiding and hospitality. You can complete your RSA and RSG courses online which enable you to serve alcohol.
Gaining work experience in Australia is an incredible experience and likely to teach you life skills that you will carry with you forever. So check out these links below if your looking for work or want to simple have a gander at what opportunities are out there!

work in paradise
Queensland Tourism and Hospitality Jobs is a the peek industry hub connecting jobseekers with available job opportunities in beautiful Queensland. Search for a new job for free, to find information about accommodation in Queensland’s regions, and to learn about training opportunities.
Find Jobs![Swaggie Logo Orange Boarder[572896]](https://www.adventurequeensland.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Swaggie_Logo_Orange_Boarder572896.png)
Swaggie is Australia’s newest job board that helps people find work around other work, travel, study and life, whether you’re a local, student, backpacker or grey nomad, an employer or employment service provider. Post and find short time work, full time work, casual work and more with their easy to navigate platform.

Provider of programmes that prepare, place and support working holiday makers into rural and outback roles in hospitality and Agriculture all over Australia. Supported pathways to rural, outback, and hospitality work all over Australia. Proudly family owned and operated Since 1991.
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backpacker job board
Backpacker Job Board is Australia’s most popular employment marketplace for working holidaymakers looking for work while travelling in Australia. Launched in 2010, the site offers a wide variety of work options, from farm work to events and promotions roles.
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Travellers at Work (TAW) is a dedicated recruitment service for travellers on a working holiday visa. Established in Sydney in 1998, our focus is to link our members with employment opportunities throughout Australia and to provide a platform for employers to access travellers to work.
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Our employment marketplaces are focused on facilitating the matching between jobseekers and employment opportunities, and helping hirers find candidates for advertised roles. Across our employment marketplaces we receive over 365 million visits to our sites every month and have over 3 million job opportunities available at any given time and over 100 million jobseeker profiles.
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You needn’t worry about finding work in Australia. Tons of backpacker jobs exist and they are relatively easy to get into. As long as you have an open mind and are willing to try new things, and there loads of exciting opportunities to seize!
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We began the Workstay Outback Pub program in 2000 with 3 pubs. Through word of mouth the program had continued to grow and today Workstay could boast that we had the most successful program of its kind anywhere in the world.
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