Mental Health & Emotional Support for Business Owners and Managers
For free online support click the links below.
- Visit Queensland Health for the latest health information and instructions
- Lifeline (Mental health and wellbeing) – phone 13 11 14
- Beyondblue (Mental health and wellbeing) – phone 1300 224 636
- Headspace (Youth mental health and wellbeing) – phone 1800 650 890
For information or support for people effected by domestic violence, call these numbers.
- DVConnect Womensline – 1800 811 811
- DVConnect Mensline – 1800 600 636
Caring for others
- Register for the Care Army on 1800 173 349 or at qld.gov.au/CareArmy.
- Contact the Salvation Army or phone 1300 662 217.
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